Brillouin zone edge

Brillouin zone edge
Макаров: граница зоны Бриллюэна

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Brillouin zone edge" в других словарях:

  • Density of states — Condensed matter physics Phases · Phase tr …   Wikipedia

  • Graphene — is a one atom thick planar sheet of sp2 bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. It can be viewed as an atomic scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds. The name comes from GRAPHITE + ENE;… …   Wikipedia

  • Oberflächenanalytik — Oberflächenchemie (engl. surface chemistry, surface science) ist ein Teilgebiet der Physikalischen Chemie, bei dem die chemischen und strukturellen Vorgänge untersucht werden, die sich an Grenzflächen, meist fest/gasförmig, abspielen. Dabei… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Direct and indirect band gaps — In semiconductor physics, the band gap of a semiconductor is always one of two types, a direct band gap or an indirect band gap. The band gap is called direct if the momentum of electrons and holes is the same in both the conduction band and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Photonic crystal — The opal in this bracelet contains a natural periodic microstructure responsible for its iridescent color. It is essentially a natural photonic crystal, although it does not have a complete photonic band gap. Photonic crystals are periodic… …   Wikipedia

  • U (disambiguation) — U is the twenty first letter of the Latin alphabet.U may also refer to:Mathematics* cup, union (set theory) * U set, a set of uniqueness * U, the unitary groupChemistry* Uranium, a metallic chemical element * Unified atomic mass unit, used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Oberflächenchemie — (englisch surface chemistry, surface science) ist ein Teilgebiet der Physikalischen Chemie, bei dem die chemischen und strukturellen Vorgänge untersucht werden, die sich an Grenzflächen, meist fest/gasförmig, abspielen. Dabei werden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • List of optical topics — Probably some Wikipedia articles on topics in optics are not yet listed on this page. If you cannot find the topic you are interested in on this page, the article may nonetheless exist; you can try to find it using the Search box, or look in and… …   Wikipedia

  • Index of optics articles — Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it.[1] Optics usually describes the behavior of visible,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of wave topics — This is a list of wave topics.0 ndash;9*21 cm lineA*Abbe prism *absorption spectrum *acoustics *Airy disc *Airy wave theory *Alfvén wave *Alpha waves *amphidromic point *amplitude *amplitude modulation *analog sound vs. digital sound *animal… …   Wikipedia

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